Introduction to the Trader Brain FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the Course

  • How can I access Section 5 of the Introduction to the Trader Brain course?
    • It is available in the main menu. Navigate to where you see “sections 1-4”, Group recordings, Section 5, and Survey. Click on Section 5. See image below.
  • Where are the discussion boards?
    • You can navigate to discussion boards from the main landing page. See image below.
  • Can I search within the course?
    • Yes, you can search within sections. See image below.

Course Content

  • Is there a full download available for the course before it expires?
    • There is not a download available. You can access the course online.
  • Can I renew after 12 months?
    • Yes, we offer renewals at a heavy discount, $250.
  • Why is there a renewal fee?
    • There are costs involved in running the monthly meetings, hosting the recordings, and maintaing the two software systems that host and deliver the course.
  • Can I download the course as a PDF?
    • There is not a download available. You can access the course online.
  • Can I download individual slides?
    • There is not a download available. You can access the course online.
  • Can I send my homework and questions to the ReThink Group for review?
    • Yes, please send us questions and/ or post in the discussion board to get feedback from other students!
  • Can you provide feedback on my responses?
    • Yes, please send us questions and/ or post in the discussion board to get feedback from other students!
  • What do the points mean?
    • The points are awarded as follows:
      • Each login gives 25 points
      • Each unit completion gives 100 points
      • Each course completion gives 500 points
      • Each certificate gives 250  points
      • Each discussion topic or comment gives 50 points
      • Each upvote on discussion comments gives 25 points
  • How do the discussion boards work?
    • The discussion boards are set up in a traditional online forum format.
  • Do I need to earn a certain number of points before being allowed to post in the discussions?
    • No. You can post in discussions at any time.
  • I think I completed the course. Why does it not show “completed”?
    • Check to make sure you have accessed all course content via the main menu (including course survey) and clicked “complete” in each section.
    • If it still does not show the course as completed, contact us at
  • What should I do if I need help?
    • Send us a message via TalentLMS or send us an email at!

Zoom Meetings

  • Where can I find the Zoom link for the Monthly Meeting?
    • The link for monthly meetings is available via email and messages in TalentLMS. We send an email to all students with a link before the Zoom meeting.
    • It can also be accessed via the calendar in TalentLMS (see first image below). 
    • Alternatively, save this link:
  • Is there a password for accessing past recordings? If yes, what is the password?
    • There is not currently a password to access past recordings. 
  • Where can I find the recordings?
    • The recordings are available under the “Group Coaching Recordings” section where you find Sections 1-4, Section 5, and the completion survey (see second image below).

Small Group/ 1-1 Coaching

  • How can I access the small group sessions?
    • You can access the small group sessions by contacting us to join. Email us at or send us a message in TalentLMS.
  • Is the registration for the small group closed?
    • No! We are still accepting students for our small groups.
  • Do I get a discount for 1-1 coaching?
    • Yes. 4 half-hour sessions w John for $797.
  • Where can I schedule coaching?
    • On the first page, where you find Sections 1-4, Section 5, and the Group Coaching Recordings, there is a page to schedule coaching (see image below).
  • What are the fees for the small group coaching? 
    • $300 a month, commit for 90 days.

Intuition Brain Game

  • Where can I find the IBG?
    • The IBG is in section 5, slide 5.7.10 (see image below).
    • You can also find it by searching “intuition” (see image below).
  • Why does the game show the message “You are not subscribed”?
    • This is an error. Please contact us at or via TalentLMS.
  • How can I connect with the Brain Game if it shows that I am not subscribed?
    • This is an error. Please contact us at or via TalentLMS.

Not Answered Here? Contact Us.

  • What should I do if I need help?
    • Send us a message via TalentLMS or send us an email at!