Training & Workshops
The Predictive Model of Behavior Changes Everything
All of your professional career, and maybe even for all of your life, you have been taught that your intellect is your superior mental ability. What if the latest brain and decision side transforms that idea into a flat-earth like myth? Come learn the leading-edge science of risk perception and judgment. Leave with an introduction into how to create better strategies for integrating quantitative, qualitative and subjective information into even better market decisions.
ReThink workshops teach a body of material you won’t find anywhere else. Using the model of mind that is central to The Shull Method, we train our clients how to reach the next level of performance through teaching them how confidence and conviction really work in the human mind.
Going beyond behavioral finance, you will learn to recognize your best risks, while avoiding more of the least optimal decisions. You will learn how to truly talk to one another about how conviction is evolving. Your team will develop a custom tool to use in discussing and parsing the spectrum of fear to confidence that all risk takers – in markets, sports or business – traverse.

Our Approach - Grounded in Research,
More Effective

Whether you want to train a team of individuals or turn a group of individuals into a team, ReThink guides you in applying a better view of perception and judgment to your particular challenge. We customize every workshop to the needs and objectives of those hiring us.
Improve how your team makes judgment calls. Have a better strategy for handling unexpected developments. Develop that critical but elusive psychological safety – the cornerstone of teamwork.
Expect team members to ask for more – as that is what usually happens when the ReThink team comes to train your team.
Gain a New Understanding
Our customized workshops allow teams to truly understand the psychological side of risk decision making. Unlike any other approach, The Shull Method applied to groups is transformative.
With new tools and new ways to talk to one another, expect fears and frustrations to be mitigated. Resolve conflicts. Create more dedication. Inspire team members to deeply understand themselves and others – the foundation for making big leaps in productivity.
Recent Custom Workshops
- Intro Psych of Risk, Quant and Derivatives Team, 2022
- $50B Multi-Strategy Fund, January 2021
- Offsite (online) Multi-Strat Analyst Team, October 2020
- $12B Long-Only Investment Fund Offsite, The Radical Psychology of Risk, May 2019
- Hendrick Motorsports, A New Mental Game for the Pit Crew Athletes, April 2019
- $50B Long-Only Investment Fund Offsite, Leverage Mental Skills of Market Intuition + Risk Differentiation, 2018
- Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Solving the Mind-Body Problem in Conviction, 2017
- US Ski and Snowboard, A Whole New Way to Understand Athlete Confidence, 2016